Digital competence is considered a crosscutting issue that allows us to acquire other key competencies (linguistic, mathematical, learning to learn, social competencies, and, above all, personal initiative). From the bilingual team, we as teachers have designed linguistic games on collaborative platforms and video audioguides to explain some stages of the Saint James’ Way.
These tasks have been performed by students in class with different levels of difficulty. Significantly, we must underline three key points in the process: information in which students have identified, located, retrieved, stored, organized, and analyzed digital information, communication to promote communication in digital environments, sharing of resources via online tools, collaborating, interacting, and participating in communities, and last but not least, content and creation as the project has not worked with materials from other existing authors, however, has encouraged the creation and editing of new content, such as word processing of images and video using digital tablets. This methodology has ensured that students integrate and reuse previous knowledge and content to produce creative expressions using English and multimedia products. We have overcome a new challenge!!